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Wednesday, January 5, 2011

닭 칼국수 Chicken Kalguksu

I made the chicken and broth originally to make something else and ended up changing my mind so I don't have pictures.  But it's similar to this process I wrote before:  Cornish hen

The only difference is I didn't use a pressure cooker.  I cooked just the chicken and water first to get the gunk out.  Then I washed it and added the vegetables and covered the whole chicken in water on the stove.  I also added a chopped jalapeno to the pot.  I cooked it on the stove on low heat for about 3-4 hours.

Then I took the chicken out, washed it and took it apart like the link says.  So this is afterwards!

I took out my broth from the fridge from the other day and began to heat it on the stove.  I also brough another pot of water to a boil to cook my noodles (cook according to directions on the package)

I also took out the chicken to marinade it with:

1 TB kochukaru
1 TB minced garlic
Dash of salt and pepper
1 tp sesame oil
2 TB of soy sauce

Then I got my vegetables ready.  I used the mandolin for the carrots and zucchini - it's all a matter of preference

The water started to boil so I added my noodles.  I heated up a pan for the vegetables too.

Once the pan is hot, add some oil to cook with.  Then I added about 1 TB of minced garlic and cooked the potatoes first since they take the longest to cook

When the potatoes are almost done add the other vegetables

Then added the chicken mix (pour in all the marinade in the pan too) and mushrooms

Mix around

Keep an eye on your noodles.  Whenever they are done just wash them under cold water, drain and put it in a bowl

Back to the vegetable pan - I added about 1/2 cup of chicken broth.  Then added some guk kan jang and salt to taste.  I think I added about 2 TB of guk kan jang.  When it's ready put some of the mixture on top of the noodles

Pour the broth on top and eat!

Monday, January 3, 2011

닭갈비 Dak Galbi

Chopped veggies (I used what I had - half zucchini, 2 small carrots, 1 small potato, mushrooms)

Chop up your vegetables in bite size pieces
Half cup of dduk
2 servings of noodles (dang myun or jjolmyun)
1 chopped jalapeno
1 cup of chicken broth
bite size chicken (i only used about .75  lb breast but use more if you like)
0.5 tb minced garlic and olive oil for cooking
marinade: 2 tb gochujang, 2 tb gochukaru, 0.5 tb mirin, dash of ginger powder, 0.5 tb minced garlic, 1/2 cup chicken broth, 1 tb mul yuk / corn syrup, dash of salt / pepper, 1 tb sugar or honey power

Soak the dduk in some water (mine was frozen) in the meantime

I didn't have dangmyun so I took out some jjolmyun from the freezer about an hour before i started

I made made chicken broth the other night so I heated that up.  You can use the store bought kind of make your own (see previous post about boiling it with vegetables for a couple hours), I just put mine on heat again with the chicken bones

marinade the chicken for at least an hour

i put it in the fridge for a couple hours

When I was ready to cook, I heated up my mini wok and added the garlic and some olive.  I let it get hot then added the vegetables

When you are ready to cook heat up the oil, garlic and then add the vegetables.  Start boiling water in a separate pot for the noodles

Add the chicken marinade... let it simmer for about 1 minute then add half the broth.  Cook for about 3 minutes

When the water is boiling in the other pot add the noodles and cook according to the package about 90%

 I threw in the mushrooms towards the end since they do not take as long to cook.

Mix it around.  After about a minute add the dduk (drain the water out)

Make sure to be watching your noodles at the same time.  if they are ready soon then you can drain and wash them and set them to the side

Taste the wok to make sure everything is cooked

Then add the noodles

And then mix it all around. I forgot to take a picture after i did ha! Taste it, and if it's too spicy add more broth to help

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Dak Jjim 닭찜

I used my pressure cooker for this... but you can use your stove top instead if you like.  This was a serving for about 2 people

1 lb chicken
1 cup of soy sauce
1 tsp sesame oil
dash of pepper
1 lb soy bean paste (dwenjang)
water to boil
dangmyun noodles - amount up to you
1 sweet potato (or regular potato)
2 sliced kochu
sliced mushrooms
4-5 peeled garlic
1 minced garlic
1 tb sugar

First I mixed together my soy sauce, minder garlic, sesame oil and sugar and pepper.
I marinated the chicken overnight

Try to marinate it at least 4 hours

The next day~

Took out the vegetables to prepare

Added it to my pressure cooker (or big pot if you are doing it on the stove)

The veggies

I poured enough water to cover it above an inch.  And set my pressure cooker to slow cook! If you are using your stove cover it with water so about 2-3 inches of water is above the veggies and cook on low heat for about 4-5 hours

When the pressure cooker was almost done, I started to boil water for the dangmyun

While boiling the noodles got the noodle marinade ready, about 2 tb of soy sauce and 1/2 tb of sugar

When the noodles area ready (cook to directions) add the soy sauce mix

Add the chicken mix!

Ate it with our fav spicy dduk on the side

Chicken Ziti

I made this on the more "healthy" side. I know ziti is usually made with LOTS of cheese but I didn't, so if you like to eat for that taste skip this =)

I forgot to measure everything so here are some approximate guesses =)

Used about half a box of the Ziti from Barilla.  Box says 16oz
3/4 - 1 lb of chicken
Sliced vegetables - your choice. I just used some mushrooms and a bit of zucchini
15 oz crushed tomatoes
1 tb minced garlic
1 tsp pepper
1 tsp salt
1 tsp italian seasoning
2 tsp red pepper flakes
1 tb chopped basil
4 tablespoons of shredded cheese (i used parm)
Olive oil for cooking

I brought a pot of water to boil and added some salt.  When the water started to boil I added the pasta

My box said to cook about 10 minutes, but I cooked it about 8 minutes to avoid over cooking it in the oven.  Preheat the oven at 375

While it's cooking, I heated up my other pot for the sauce - I put it on medium.  I waited about 3-4 minutes then added the oil, minced garlic and veggies

And the pepper, italian seasoning, salt and red pepper flakes

Cook until it's about 60-70% done.  Then get your tomato sauce ready to add

Chop your basil and add

My pasta was ready about now.  Depending on your timing, whenever it's ready drain it and put it to the side

Mix around the sauce... I lowered the heat it about low-medium and let it reduce down for about 15 minutes

Then add your pasta

 Add about half the cheese and mix around

I used my mini Le Creuset mini cocotte pots to cook this in! I used three and I saved the rest for lunch the next day =)  You can use whatever you want to put in the oven

Sprinkle the rest of the cheese on top.  This is the part where I skimped out a bit... other recipes will ask for you to add a lot of riccota cheese or something similar... so it's up to you

Pop in the oven and bake for about 10-15 minutes

Then afterwards take it out and enjoy - we ate it with some salmon

We had some sliced avocado with salt on the side....... believe it or not, avocado and salmon is YUMMY