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Sunday, November 14, 2010

Soy Sauce Cornish Hen

Not sure what to call this........

1 cornish hen
3/4 cup soy sauce
1 TB sesame oil
8-10 cloves of garlic
1 TB minced garlic
8-10 roasted, peeled chesnuts
1/2 tablespoon brown sugar
Rice for stuffing (optional)
Dash of pepper

I decided to put "jak kok" bap in there instead of white rice - so I started to cook that.  Or you can soak sweet rice to use the next day (in which case you should cook it first before you start to cook the chicken)

I mixed together the soy sauce, minced garlic, sugar (put more if you like it sweeter, i put less in on purpose for health vs taste) and sesame oil and pepper in a bowl

Put the sauce to the side.  

I washed the cornish hen - inside and out. I bought it from the market with everything in the inside already out. One time I bought it with the "insides" still in there - yuck! I hate that feeling of having to clean it out, but it's all personal preference =)

Then I stuffed it with the garlic cloves

Then I put it in a bag and poured the sauce from above inside of the bag

Wrap it up - I left it in overnight

The next day - pre heat the oven at 375

I washed the chestnuts next and cut small "x" in them so it's easier to peel them later.  Or you can buy it from the market in jars already cooked which makes it easier!

Put it on a pan with foil and cook at 375 for about 20 minutes.  You should start to see the edges around the "x" peel up

You have to peel them all - set aside (or if you bought the ones from the store, take them out!)

Take out the chicken from last night and put the chestnuts inside with the garlic.  Add the rice from the other day (optional) then tie the legs together

Then put the chicken in the oven cook for about 45-60 minutes

Ignore the thing on the bottom (I was making something else at the same time ha).  If you like the skin crispy leave it in a bit longer.

I forgot to take a picture at the end!

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